

时间:2024-06-14 岑格格 来源:句子




1、Once there was a sincere love in front of me, I didn't cherish it, and when I lost it, I regretted it, the most painful thing in the world.

2、I pass through the age of missing eyebrows, my fingers are pale. Sentimental and sad sentences, is the waist of time, like the water over the four seasons. You are still like a ship without a return voyage.

3、I regret it now. Really, have my family and friends asked me about it all the time? I always quibbled that I don't regret it. When I really encountered problems, I found out what a wrong decision I made. I can't come back again. I can't go back in the past.


5、Maybe I really don't understand love, just know the dedication and waiting, thought that the commitment will be together forever, thought that the commitment can grow old together, it was only a joke, but he let me fall into it, until the deeper, unable to extricate myself.




9、Love is like water, tolerance is a cup. When love settles, shake the cup gently. Believe that we will never regret, choose each other as the most sincere love in their lives.



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