

时间:2024-05-15 乌孙英 来源:短句子网




1、If I threw these keys away

2、Myra:I fell it is going to be difficult.

3、Kitty:It's ,eh ,almost 11.

4、Myra:You are very conceited,captain.YOu are quite mad,captain.You are are rekless and headstrong an …… and I ador you, captain.蓝莓之夜经典台词

5、Madame:Not when hurt your public life at the theater.I am happy that he didn't stay here a week,otherwise he would have ruined six performances instead of one.If such a thing should happen again with you,or with any of the others,It means inatant dismissal.I will see you at the sheater tonight.If it's not too much trouble.

6、Kitty:Well,if that's his ghost,don't bring him up.Oh,get away from that window,you stupid thing he'll see you for heaven's sake.

7、Roy: Your face. It's all youth, all beauty

8、These keys used to belong to a young lad

9、who made plans and had dreams

10、Does that work?


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